March 12, 2025

Makeup as well as charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 598

Today as well as every day

Deci … Care este sondajul de luni?

Întrebare excelentă! It isn’t, as opposed to its name, an actual poll, like with bit clicky buttons. Este doar o listă de cinci preocupări ale aleatoarelor mult mai mult sau mai puțin pe care le-am publicat pe acest blog în fiecare dimineață de luni pentru anii quadrillionii din trecut (din 2007). Îmi place să citesc răspunsurile, precum și mă ajută să-mi iau săptămâna de la un început minunat.

1. When you were a kid, did you go trick-or-treating?

O da. I keep in mind going ’round the community with my buddies by ourselves (it was a different time, man), as well as for some strange reason, I don’t ever keep in mind my bit sibling coming with us. I don’t recall trying to ditch him on purpose, however understanding me, I most likely went with some high-level machinations to leave him behind so I might go by myself.

Little brothers… such a pain.

2. would you rather go to a Halloween haunted house, or a pumpkin patch?

I’d go to the haunted house, since right here in nor Cal, pumpkin patches are usually, dry, dirty as well as hot, as well as the restroom circumstance is typically quite sketchy…

I likewise believe it’s neat to see pumpkins growing on the vine, however the general pumpkin patch experience isn’t my preferred thing. even though I do discover haunted homes frightening (and a bit scarier after viewing Us), I don’t mind them as long as I’m with someone, as well as they don’t mind me Wilhelm scream-ing with the entire thing.

3. Your preferred frightening movie?

Strălucirea. ‘Nuff said.

4. speaking of frightening movies, exactly how would you fare if Michael Myers were in hot pursuit?

I’m quite nimble as well as quick on my feet, so I’d like to believe I’d provide him a run for his money… He may end up chopping off a fat lock of hair, however I’d make it out of that home alive!

5. Orange or black eyeshadow?


Fire update

Buna dimineata prietene. I hope you’re having a great Monday so far. If you’ve been complying with the news, you may understand that there’s a quite intense terminate burning about 30 miles north of where I online (Novato) best now, as well as so all the power in my town, as well as throughout the entire county, is off as well as has been because Saturday.

There hasn’t been an official evacuation for us (knock on wood), however we chose to go to my parents’ home in the east Bay since Connor has antibiotics that we requirement to keep refrigerated, as well as we had no implies of interacting at the home since our cell phones as well as ISP weren’t working.

Yeah…it’s been a surreal couple of days, as well as it appears like the power may not be back on up until Thursday, depending upon the terminate as well as the weather. So we’re playing it by ear.


But we are risk-free as well as hanging in there!

If you’re north of us and/or have been evacuated from the towns in Sonoma, sending great thoughts for you as well as your family.

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$ 42.

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P.S. right here the concerns to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Vorbește cu YA în curând.

1. When you were a kid, did you go trick-or-treating?
2. would you rather go to a Halloween haunted house, or a pumpkin patch?
3. Your preferred frightening movie?
4. speaking of frightening movies, exactly how would you fare if Michael Myers were in hot pursuit?
5. Orange or black eyeshadow?

P.P.S. In situation somebody hasn’t told you lately, you’re take on as well as you’re tough.

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